Aim is To determine the quantity of Casein present in different samples of milk. Natural milk is an opaque white fluid Secreted by the mammary glands of Female mammal . The main constituents of natural milk are Protein, Carbohydrate, Mineral Vitamins, Fats and Water and is a complete balanced diet. Fresh milk is sweetish in taste. However , when it is kept for long time at a temperature of 5 degree it become sour because of bacteria present in air. These bacteria convert lactose of milk into lactic acid which is sour in taste. In acidic condition casein of milk starts separating out as a precipitate. When the acidity in milk is sufficient and temperature is around 36 degree, it forms semi-solid mass, called curd. Casein is present in milk as calcium caseinate in the form of micelles. These micelles have negative charge and on adding acid to milk, the negative charges are neutralized.
Milk is a complete diet as it contains in its proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. • Average composition of milk from different sources is given below.
• Casein is the major protein constituent presents in the milk and is a mixed phosphor-protein.
• Casein has isoelectric pH of about 4.7 and can be easily separated around this pH.
• It readily dissolves in dilute acids and alkalies.
Materials Required:
Beakers (250 ml), filter-paper, glass-rod, weigh-box, filtration-flask, Buchner-funnel, water pump, test-tubes porcelain dish, burner, different samples of Milk, 1% acetic acid solution, saturated ammonium sulphate solution.
• Take a clean dry beaker, put into it 20cc of goat’s milk and add 20 ml of saturated ammonium sulphate solution slowly and with stirring. Fat along with casein will precipitate out.
• Filter the solution and transfer the precipitates in another beaker.
• Add about 30 ml of water to the precipitate.
• Only casein dissolves in water forming milky solution leaving fat undissolved.
• Heat the milky solution to about 40°C and add 1% acetic acid solution drop wise, when casein gets precipitated.
• Filter the ppt., wash with water, and let the ppt. dry.
• Weigh the dry solid mass in a previously weighed watch glass.
• Repeat the experiment with other samples of milk.
Observation Table
If an acid is added to milk, the negative charge are neutralized and the neutral protein precipitated out.
Ca+2 (Casemated) + 2CH3 COOH(aq)  Casein(s)+(CH3COO)2 Ca (aq)
Volume of milk taken in each case = 20 ml.
Different samples of milk contain different percentage of Casein..

“Acid & Bases on Tensile Strength of Strength of Fibres”
I, ____________ student of ___________________ is doing project report entitled “Acid & Bases on Tensile Strength of Strength of Fibres” being submitted to ___________________is an original piece of work done by me and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for any other degree in full or in part.
Study of Effects of Acids & Bases on the Tensile Strength of Fibres
"Study of Effects of Acids & Bases on the Tensile Strength of Fibres"
The aim and objective of this project is to
(i) Compare the tensile strength of given samples of nylon and cotton fibres.
(ii) To investigate the Effect of Acids and Alkalies on the tensile strength of these fibres.


Depending upon the sources, the various types of fibres can be classified into the following three main categories :

(i) Animal fibres e.g. Wool & Silk.

(ii) Vegetable Fibres e.g. Cotton & Linen.

(iii) Synthetic Fibres e.g. Nylon & Polyester.


Besides their chemical composition and properties, most important property of these fibres is their tensile strength. Tensile strength mean the extent to which a fibre can be stretched without breaking and it is measured in terms of minimum weight required to break the fibre. To determine the tensile strength of any fibre, it is tied to a hook at one end and weighted are slowly added to the other end until the fibre break.

Since peptide bonds are more easily hydrolyzed by bases than acids therefore wool and silk are affected by basis not by acids. It is because of this reason that wool and silk threads breakup into fragments and ultimately dissolve in alkalines.

In other words alkalines decreases the tensile strength of animal fibres (wool & silk). Vegetable fibres (cotton & linen), on the other hand, consist of long polysaccharide chains in which the various glucose units are joined by ethers linkage. Since ethers are hydrolised by acids and not by bases therefore, vegetable fibres are affected by acids but not by bases. In other words acids decreases the tensile strength of vegetable fibres. In contrast, synthetics fibres such as nylon & polyester practically remains unaffected by both acids and bases.

Experiment-1 [Acid and Bases]

Requirements :

(a) Apparatus : Hook, Weight hanger and weights.

(b) Materials : Cotton, Silk and Nylon fibres.

Chemistry Experiment Acid and Bases Procedure

(i) Cut out equal lengths of a cotton fibre, nylon fibre and silk fibre from the given sample of nearly same dia.

(ii) Tie one end of cotton fibre to a hook which has been fixed in a vertical plane. Tie a weight hanger to the other end. The thread get straight.

(iii) Put a weight to the hanger and observe the thread stretch. Then, increase the weights gradually on the hanger until the breaking point reaches and note the minimum weight needed for breaking the cotton fibre.

(iv) Repeat the above experiment by tying nylon and silk fibres to the hook separately.

Sr.No.           Type of Fibre         Minimum Weight

1.                     Cotton                                                 75 g.

2.                     Nylon                                      375 g.

3.                     Silk                                                      150 g.


(i) Thread must be of identical diameters.

(ii) Always take the same length of the threads.

(iii) Add the weights in small amounts very slowly.

Experiment - 2

Requirements :

(a) Apparatus : Hook, Weight Hanger and Weights.

(b) Materials and Chemicals : Wool, Cotton and Nylon Fibres, dilute solution of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.


(i) Cut out equal lengths of wool, cotton and nylon threads from given sample of  nearly same diameter.

(ii) Determine the tensile strength of each fibre as explained in experiment-1.

(iii) Soak the woolen thread in a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide for five minutes. Take it out from hydroxide solution and wash it thoroughly with water and then dry either by keeping it in the sun or in an over maintained at a temperature of about 400C. Determine its tensile strength again as explained in Experiment-1.

(iv) Now take another piece of woolen thread of the same size and diameter and soak it in a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid for five minutes. Take it out, wash thoroughly with water, dry and determine the tensile strength again.

(v) Repeat the above procedure for the samples of cotton and nylon fibre.

S.No.         Type of         Wt. Required         Wt. Required           Wt.Required

                   Fibre             to break the          to break the            to break the

                                      untreated fibre          fibre after                fibre after

                                                                      soaking in               soaking in

                                                                      dilute alkali             dilute acid

1.                 Wool                 750 g.                 700 g.                     750 g.

2.                 Cotton                 75 g.                  75 g.                      50 g.

3.                 Nylon                 375 g.                 375 g.                     375 g.


(i) The tensile strength of woolen fibre decreases on soaking in alkalies but practically remains unaffected on soaking in acids.

(ii) The tensile strength of cotton fibre decreases on soaking in acids but remains practically unaffected on soaking in alkalies.

(iii) The tensile strength of nylon fibres remain practically unaffected on soaking either in acids or in alkalies.


(i) Thread must be of identical diameters.

(ii) Always take the same length of the threads.

(iii) Add the weights in small amounts very slowly.


  1. Thank you it was helpful but you should have written the observation as well

  2. thank u so much that was very helpful

  3. thank u so much that was very helpful

  4. All is very helpful for me.thankyou๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  5. So helpful at last moment
    I can't find a good material before it so ya it is worth to use ๐ŸคŸ๐ŸคŸ


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